

I always dream of traveling to Lijiang. This summer holiday, I plan to go to Lijiang. First, I will visit the ancient city area of Lijiang, which is famous for its stone streets and traditional wooden buildings. Then, I will go to Dayan Ancient Town. It is a quaint and quiet town outside the Lijiang Ancient City. There are many ancient courtyards and traditional handicraft shops where I can relax and enjoy the tranquility and beauty of the ancient town.

I also plan to visit the Tiger Leaping Gorge. It is located in the north of Lijiang City and is one of the deepest gorges in Asia. I can do exciting outdoor activities such as rafting, hiking or rock climbing, and enjoy the spectacular canyon scenery at the same time.

The Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is another place I want to go. It is located in the north of Lijiang City and is one of the highest snow-capped mountains. I can take the cable car to the top of the mountain to enjoy the magnificent scenery of the perennial snow. At the foot of the mountain, there is the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Village, where I can experience the local Naxi culture and customs.

The First Bend of the Jinsha River is located in the northwest of Lijiang City. The scenery here is very spectacular. I can take a bamboo raft to drift and feel the charm of nature.

Lashi Lake is one of the largest plateau lakes in Yunnan Province and is located in the northwest of Lijiang City. I can rent a boat or ride a bike around the lake to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the lake and mountains and the rich bird ecology.

Lugu Lake is located in the north of Lijiang City and is one of the deepest plateau lakes in China. There are magnificent lake and mountain scenery and unique Mosuo culture. I can take a boat tour of the lake.





